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As one grows up one is face with many questions as what will you like to become one day?

This is a very tricky question, As the society has a set career/job/occupation options from which to choose. Some will say Doctor, some engineer, some teacher, pilot, army, lawyer, Businessman and so on..

So What is the difference between Job, Occupation, and Career?

Often the terms job, occupation, and career are used interchangeably.

In fact they have very different meanings.

* A job is work for which you receive pay.

* An occupation is a wide category of jobs with similar characteristics.

* A career is a lifetime journey of building and making good use of your

skills, knowledge and experiences. It is the total of all events and

relationships in our lives: family, friends, education, work, and leisure


In short everyone has to pursue a set course either a job,occupation or a career in totality to achieve our dream goals. There are hundreds of career options out there. How do you make a career choice when you don't really know what you want to do?

At Career Tracers we inform you of all the options that we have today in terms of Career and help you out to make the right decision in choosing the right path to your GOAL.

Wishing you all the best in your endeavor.

Career Tracers